- The State Boards have the general responsibility of regulating the practice of licensed psychologists, licensed social workers, licensed mental health counselors and licensed marriage and family therapists. Below are the state boards contact information regarding my state counseling licenses. For any reason whatsoever, you can contact the state licensing boards regarding questions, complaints, licensing verification.
- Please Be advised: That if your Apartment complex, Apartment manager, Airline etc, needs to verify my license. They are free to obtain that information by clicking on the links that i have provided, or they can go directly to the state licensing board’s website. I will no longer be verifying information about my licenses, Clinic or any other information that can be found on the verification links Via phone conversation. This protects your confidentiality and ensures your rights as a client are respected.
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs
Bureau of Professional Licensing
Investigations & Inspections Division
P.O. Box 30670
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: (517) 241-0205 Email: bplhelp@michigan.gov
Website: www.michigan.gov/bpl
My MI license number is: 6401018970
You can verify my license at: https://val.apps.lara.state.mi.us/License/Search
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Professional Counselor Licensure
410 Capitol Ave., MS #12 APPP.O.
Box 340308
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 509-7603 Email: dph.counselorsteam@ct.gov
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/
My CT license number is: 5180.
You can verify my license at: https://www.elicense.ct.gov/Lookup/LicenseLookup.aspx
WA Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
Phone: (360) 236-4700 Email: hsqa.csc@doh.wa.gov
Website: https://www.doh.wa.gov/
My WA license number is: LH60526896.
You can verify my license at: https://fortress.wa.gov/doh/providercredentialsearch/
Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists (OBLPCT)
3218 Pringle Rd SE, #250,
Salem, OR 97302-6312
Phone: (503) 378-5499 Email: lpct.board@oregon.gov
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/oblpct/pages/index.aspx
My OR license number is C5547.
You can verify my license at: https://oblpct.us.thentiacloud.net/webs/oblpct/register/#
Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council
333 Guadalupe St, Tower 3, Room 900
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 305-7700 Email: Licensing@bhec.texas.gov
Website: https://www.bhec.texas.gov/
My TX license number is: 82861.
You can also verify my license at: https://www.bhec.texas.gov/verify-a-license/index.html
Rhode Island
Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908
Phone: (401) 222-5960 Email: https://health.ri.gov/contact/
Website: https://health.ri.gov/licenses/
My RI license number is: MHC01038.
You can verify my license at: https://healthri.mylicense.com/verification/
New Mexico
Boards and Commissions
Counseling and Therapy Practice
2550 Cerrillos Rd # 2,
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: (505) 476-4500 Email: counseling.board@state.nm.us
Website: http://www.rld.state.nm.us/boards/Counseling_and_Therapy_Practice.aspx
My NM license number is: CCMH0209721.
You can also verify my license at: https://nmrldlpi.force.com/bcd/s/public-search-license?division=BCD&language=en_US
Department of Commerce and Consumers Affairs
Professional and Vocational Licensing Division
DCCA-PVL P.O. Box 3469
Honolulu, HI 96801
Phone: (808) 586-3000 Email: pvl@dcca.hawaii.gov
Website: https://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/programs/mental/
My HI license number is: MHC-687.
You can also verify my license online at: https://pvl.ehawaii.gov/pvlsearch/
Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
1740 W Adams St #3600,
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-1882 Email: information@azbbhe.us
Website: https://www.azbbhe.us/
My AZ license number is: LPC-19009.
You can also verify my license online at: https://www.azbbhe.us/node/3.
State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver,CO 80202
Phone: (303) 894-7800 Email: dora_dpo_licensing@state.co.us
Website: https://dpo.colorado.gov/ProfessionalCounselor
My CO License is: 0019052.
You can also verify my license online at: https://apps.colorado.gov/dora/Licensing/Lookup/LicenseLookup.aspx
State Board of social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors
P.O Box 2649 Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania 17105-2649
Phone: (717) 783-1389 Email: ST-SOCIAL@PA.GOV
My PA License is: PC015392.
You can verify my License online at: https://www.pals.pa.gov/#/page/search
Board of Behavioral Sciences
1625 N Market Blvd., Suite S-200 Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 574-7830
Website: https://www.bbs.ca.gov/about/contact_us.html
My California license: 16931
You can verify my license at https://search.dca.ca.gov/
Board of Behavioral Health
Montana 301 S. Park Avenue 4th Floor Helena, MT 59620
My Montana License is: LIC64497
Phone: (406) 444-6880
You can verify my license at https://ebizws.mt.gov/PUBLICPORTAL/searchform?mylist=licenses
Finally, please be aware that your landlord may reject your ESA Letter even though it is against the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. If your landlord contacts me, I will refer them to the state licensing board to verify my license(s). If they continue to reject the ESA letter, you may need to file a complaint with HUD, seek legal counsel and pursue legal action. Here is the link to make a complaint with HUD:
https://portalapps.hud.gov/FHEO903/Form903/Form903Start.action Or you can contact them via phone on 1-800-669-9777
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to ask. We can work on this together. I am here to help you with this process if needed.